My Everest for 2017 and for the 21st century is to provide equal opportunities for women worldwide. As the first Iranian woman on the Seven Summits, I will be climbing each mountain to bring awareness and funds to amazing organizations who are working to empower women and girls to break the glass ceiling and live fully as they deserve. In the current political atmosphere, I feel responsible to be the voice of those who are not heard and more importantly, to give them a voice.



Educating Girls & Fighting Human Trafficking

Empower Nepali Girls

Our mission is to empower and support neglected, marginalized, and at-risk girls and young women in Nepal, especially those who are at greatest risk to be forced into early marriage, sold into sex slavery, or abandoned as orphans.

We provide scholarships, mentoring, career guidance, and subsistence for children who would not have the opportunity to attend school and pursue future careers in medicine, engineering, business, teaching, and other professions. 

An international team of volunteers goes annually to see the impact of our programs and meet some of the scholarship students. We now support over 280 scholarship recipients who receive all the necessities they require.

Providing Maternal & New Born Health Care

Kupona Foundation

We mobilize resources and build strategic partnerships with individuals and institutions who share our passion for global health. Since 2009, Kupona has raised over $3 million to support treatment, training, capital projects and organizational development at CCBRT. We connect CCBRT with technical support to fill critical resourcing gaps on the ground. We support CCBRT’s efforts to strengthen healthcare systems in Tanzania and further afield. 

As global citizens, we are proud to participate in international, multi-sector discussions in pursuit of real solutions to the challenges facing our international community. Turning talk into action, we use storytelling to mobilize a growing community.

Supporting Victims of Violence & Disadvantaged Young Women

OMID Foundation

OMID is committed to strengthening the social, emotional and economic opportunities of disadvantaged young women in Iran. We provide them with a sense of self worth and life and opportunities in three key areas: self-empowerment, education and training.

We pride ourselves on our holistic approach to helping these young women learn to be treated with respect, dignity and kindness. The program comprises two and a half years residential care and education Women leave our program feeling proud, strong and able to live their lives happily and confidentially in today’s society.

Now in our second decade, we believe that we have developed one of the most effective programs in the world.